Tuesday 20 December 2011

Jamie Foxx-Unpredicatable Review

  I like Jamie Foxx. He is a shaky yet reliable actor. He performances range from genius (Ray) to creepy (Horrible Bosses) to just plain horrible (any sitcom he has been in). However, this review is not about Mr. Foxx's acting ability. This is an in-depth view at one of the worst things to happen to music since boy bands ruled the waves in the 1990s.

    "Unpredictable" is anything but; it is a very predictable array of shoddy R & B songs that make R. Kelly sound like a musical genius. During this review I will not be examining the songs in-depth (that is simply a waste of time). Quite simply, every song is almost the same three songs rehashed over and over again. The songs alternate from "bedroom horny Foxx" ("Warm Bed", Unpredictable") to "sensitive" Foxx ("DJ Play a Love Song", "Three Letter Word", "Love Changes") to finally "club/party Foxx" ("VIP", "Extravaganza"). Finally, the album ventures into Boyz II Men territory with "Heaven", an incredibly sappy R & B ballad, but actually the strongest song on the album (believe me that is not a compliment, it is like musically equivalent of choosing your favorite disease). The only song that I can't bash is Foxx's tribute to his grandmother ("I Wish U Were Here"). The song is horrible, but sweet and touching nonetheless.

   Quite simply, this is the worst album I have ever heard. I am sure that Jamie Foxx will never read this, and even if he did, he would not care and simply count his millions some more. Like actors before him (looking at you three-time "doucebag of the year winner" Jared Leto), actors simply should stick to what they are good at and avoid musical careers. I'm sure that Foxx is a very nice father and a quite capable actor, but please stay away from the studio. Horrible in the strictest definition of the word.


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