Thursday 15 December 2011

Alcatrazz-Distrubing The Peace Review

    What is there to say about this turd. Hands down one of the worst albums of the 1980s. The songs are about as deep as a kiddie pool, with songs about exotic dancers (The Stripper) and the new emerging medium of video (God Blessed Video). Other songs cover similar topics, and most is typical mid-1980s pop metal ala Whitesnake, Great White, etc. The problem with this album, is that it seems to lack the true raunchiness that made bands like Whitesnake lovable in a certain way.

    On to the music; Graham Bonnet (Rainbow, MSG,etc) is by no means a bad vocalist, and I agree with many that Rainbow's "Down to Earth" is still a great album. However, Bonnet is left with little to work with as he belts out the cheesy schlock of six-string masochist Steve Vai and his overblown brand of technical "virtuosity". The songs are really bad, the keyboards are metallic and brittle; they sound totally out of place with this style of music. The mixing is a disaster, and I can only assume the album was produced for a minimal budget. Jan Uvena is not a terrible drummer, but seems to often to be playing totally out of sync with the band.

    This album should be avoided like the bubonic plague. "Lighter Shade of Green" is a horrible song, and what I believe to be  the audio equivalent of water boarding. The album has almost no redeeming qualities, and with horrible lyrics, horrible songs, keyboards, and a maximum serving of cheese; this is a true stinker. Buy Rainbow's "Down to Earth" instead; it is a much better showcase for Bonnet and his particular vocal talent.

Rating: 1/10 

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